Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about Beaver Host

How do I get a domain?

You can purchase a domain from us and we will set it up in your account or you can bring your own domain.

Is Beaver Host secure?

All Beaver Host servers use advanced firewalls and include DDoS protection. A dedicated admin team also monitors the servers around the clock. This ensures that your website is up and running with the least amount of possible interferences or issues.
However, the security of a website usually depends on the software that it uses and the vulnerabilities that exist within it. That being said, it’s important to keep everything updated and to use tools from trusted providers only.

Will my fee increase?

Our prices are transparent and we will charge you the same amount every month. Even if you stay with us for a year or just one month, you will pay the same monthly price.

Can I change my mind?

Absolutely! You can always upgrade to a higher or lower plan at the end of the month. Or, if you wish, you can cancel your subscription at the end of the month. We will not lock you into long term commitments!

Can I get an Email account for my hosting plan?

Contact us and we have great prices from Google, Microsoft, and AWS to get a reliable and secure Email up and running in no time.

What can I do with web hosting?

The variety of things that you can do with web hosting is immense. At the very core, you may use it to create a website about anything, starting with:

  • WordPress blogs
  • Review sites
  • Personal websites
  • Small businesses
  • School & university projects
  • Small eCommerce stores

Web hosting is also an amazing platform to start and learn coding, as it supports the most popular programming languages such as PHP, MySQL, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and more!

How do I upload files?

You can upload files to your free web hosting service via FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This service allows you to conveniently manage your files in a similar way to a file manager.

What can I do if I need more resources?

If you outgrow the limits of free web hosting and need something more powerful, we are ready to offer you a special upgrade to premium web hosting. It includes a seamless transfer, 24/7 live support, more resources, extra features, and a lot more!

Can I get help if I am stuck setting up my domain?

Absolutely! If your plan includes support tickets you can open a ticket at any time or if your plan doesn't include support tickets you can purchase them in the Client Area.

Will I get DNS with my domain?

If you're purchasing a domain from us we will provide you with DNS servers free of charge that you can manage within the Beaver Host Client Area.